
Welcome to Westwood’s Timeshare Owners Page

Dear Owners,
Welcome to our Timeshare Owner’s Page. To view the most recent letter from
the President of the Board, Current Reservation Calendar, Current Budget, News
from the Board and to pay your maintenance fee online please log in below.

To book your week’s stay or to bank your week please call the Reservation

Office at 570-215-0782 Monday thru Saturday 8:30am – 5:00pm. Please have
your Westwood account number ready when you call.


  • *Maintenance fees must be paid in full prior to making a reservation or depositing your week.
  • *To deposit your week your membership must be paid with your exchange company.
  • *Your week must be used or deposited during the calendar year. We cannot carry over years.
  • *All reservations are based upon availability
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